Standard Agreement

Valid from: 1 November 2024

  • In applying the provisions of this Agreement, the words and phrases used shall have the same meaning as specified in the Service Beneficiaries Rights Additionally, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning given to them, unless the context requires otherwise:

Company or Vodafone: Oman Future Telecommunications Company (Vodafone).

Authority: Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.

Customer or You: The individual to whom telecommunications services are provided or who requests such services from the licensed provider.

Telecommunications Services or Services: The services as defined in the Telecommunications Regulatory Act, which the Company provides in whole or in part, regardless of the systems or means used.

Unified Service Agreement: A general agreement for customers that outlines the terms and methods for providing telecommunications services to the customer.

Financial Guarantee: A sum of money or any other acceptable form of payment, such as bank card details, deposited or stored by the customer with the Company as a guarantee to cover any future financial obligations that may arise in favor of the Company.

Force Majeure: Events that are unforeseeable, unavoidable, or cannot be guarded against with effective preventive measures, and which occur without fault or negligence, including but not limited to natural disasters, wars, pandemics. These events may render the performance of contractual obligations not impossible but excessively burdensome.

Fair Usage Policy: A policy aimed at protecting network resources for customers by imposing a set of restrictions or maximum limits to prevent service misuse, ensuring fair access for all customers.

International Mobile Equipment Identifier (IMEI): A unique 15-digit identification number assigned by the International Mobile Equipment Association to each mobile communication device worldwide, ensuring it cannot be duplicated on another device.

  • This Agreement comes into effect on the date your number is activated and shall terminate upon fulfilling all your obligations. You may request a copy of this Agreement.
  • You agree to pay the applicable price for your plan, and the Company shall provide the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and in compliance with the Authority.
  • In the event of any conflict between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and terms and specific terms and conditions approved by the Authority, then the specific terms and conditions shall prevail.
  • Vodafone reserves the right to amend this Agreement at any time subject to the prior approval of the Authority. Vodafone shall notify you in the event of changes made to any terms and conditions via available channels such as the My Vodafone App, SMS, or any other means determined by the
  • Vodafone aims to provide you with the best range of products and Services and products listed in other Vodafone markets may not be available in our market.
  • You may purchase Vodafone’s services via the applicable app store,, eKiosks, and Vodafone’s retail outlets subject to providing the following: a) Omani & GCC Citizens & Residents: ID Card;
  1. b) Tourists & Non-Residents:
  • In the event of any conflict between print and electronic versions of this Agreement, the electronic version available at shall prevail.
  • International roaming services are provided based on your request. Unless otherwise agreed, international roaming services are separate for local services.
  • Vodafone shall suspend local and international roaming services upon reaching your plan Vodafone will notify you in the event of suspension of a particular service including means of resubscribing and any additional costs of continuing or subscribing to a new plan.
  • Vodafone reserves the right to suspend your services, after notifying you, if you fail to pay any outstanding monthly dues.
  • Notwithstanding any early termination fees, you may request to terminate your service at any time via:
    • a) retail outlet;
    • b) any other of the relevant Vodafone
  • Vodafone shall readily make the means available for you to change, suspend, or terminate your service by contacting Vodafone’s customer care or using electronic means upon which you will be presented with a final bill.
  • You or Vodafone may terminate a service in accordance with this Agreement and the rules prescribed by Vodafone may apply termination fees, subject to the approval of the Authority, if you terminate your service as detailed in the applicable terms and conditions.
  • Without prejudice to any other right to terminate under this Agreement, Vodafone may terminate this Agreement at any time subject to providing written notice specific the reason for termination.
  • Vodafone may temporarily restrict or suspend a service by providing you with five (5) business days’ notice if you: a) breach any terms and conditions; b) exceed your credit limit; c) fail to pay your bill in time or otherwise have outstanding amounts owed to Vodafone.
  • Notwithstanding clause 6, Vodafone may permanently restrict or suspend a service if you use a service for any: a) illegal, illicit and/or criminal activity; b) act that could negatively impact Vodafone’s network.
  • If your service is suspended due to:
    1. outstanding dues, Vodafone will recommence your service upon receipt of payment of all amounts
    2. technical issues, Vodafone is unable to provide you with a service you have subscribed to, you may request reasonable compensation calculated based on the plan and the period of time you were disconnected from the service.
    3. loss or theft of SIM card, you may visit a Vodafone retail outlet or contact customer service or any other method advised by Vodafone, in order to continue your service.
  • Vodafone may, at its discretion, and after obtaining the necessary approvals from the Authority, may modify the technical specifications of the services provided, if they do not materially affect the performance of the service provided.
  • Without prejudice to the Service Outage Regulations, Vodafone may temporarily suspend the service for operational reasons such as maintenance, service upgrades, or in emergency situations.
  • Vodafone provides you with the option to pay in monthly instalments for charges relating to international
  • Vodafone will not be entitled to outstanding dues that have lapsed one year, unless Vodafone has initiated a claim for collection during that period.
  • Vodafone reserves the right to assign any outstanding dues to a third party for collection, all amounts to be collected shall include value added tax in accordance with the laws of the Sultanate of Oman.
  • Vodafone will issue a bill for your number at the end of each billing month, or at maximum of 90 days from the date the service is You may access your bill via My Vodafone App. You are responsible for reviewing your bill and have 90 days from the date the bill is issued to inform Vodafone of any inaccuracies.
  • You have the right to submit inquiries or questions related to billing, which may pertain to the following matters:
    • The accuracy of the bill details, charges, and amounts for all types of usage.
    • Disputes regarding the accuracy of calls.
    • Excessively long durations for international and local calls.
    • Charges that were mistakenly applied.
    • Service suspension without a valid reason
  • When you subscribe to an automatically renewing service, Vodafone will notify you in advance that the service will be renewed, at least two days before the renewal date. Your consent to the renewal constitutes approval for the automatic deduction of the due amounts from your Vodafone must enable you to cancel the service directly through the My Vodafone App, retail outlets, or customer service, without prejudice to Vodafone’s rights under this Agreement and the law.
  • Vodafone is committed to providing services to you in accordance with the Telecommunications Service Quality Regulations. In the event that services are not provided at the agreed quality level, Vodafone is obligated to consider compensating you, except in cases of force majeure.
  • If the service is affected, Vodafone will make every effort to restore it as quickly as possible, in compliance with the regulations and guidelines issued by the Authority on this matter.
  • You will be exempt from paying service charges when service disruption is due to force majeure or if the service is continuously interrupted for a period longer than that specified in the Telecommunications Service Interruption Regulations issued by the Authority.
  • The validity period for the prepaid mobile service is ninety (90) days, starting from the first call, any subsequent recharge, or any credit transfer.
  • After the ninety (90) days, deactivated numbers will enter a quarantine period of an additional ninety (90) days, in accordance with the National Numbering Plan issued by the Authority or other relevant regulatory
  • If you recharge your balance during the grace period, a new validity period will
  • If you do not recharge your balance within the grace period, the service will be suspended, and any remaining balance in your account will be forfeited after six months from the last recharge date or upon switching from prepaid to Vodafone will notify you one week before the temporary suspension through your other registered numbers or any other available means.
  • If you request to terminate the service, Vodafone must refund any deposit held, if applicable, after you fulfil all outstanding financial Vodafone will be responsible for any financial consequences if the deposit is not returned.
  • If 12 months have passed since you subscribed to the service and you have repeatedly failed to make timely payments (i.e., more than once in the last 12 months), Vodafone has the discretion to decide whether to return the deposit or not.
  • You may submit a complaint to Vodafone in accordance with the provisions of the Complaints Handling Regulations issued by Vodafone.
  • Vodafone must resolve the complaint within a maximum of five (5) business days from the date of submission, or within one (1) business day in urgent cases as defined by the Authority. A decision must be issued accordingly, and if the complaint is not resolved within this period, it shall be considered rejected. The complaint must include relevant details of the incident and the proposed solution from Vodafone to make a decision on any of the following matters:
    • Billing issues or complaints related to faults or service
    • Feedback on the quality of the service
    • Financial obligations imposed on the customer as a condition for continuing or obtaining the service.
    • Service disconnection or reconnection.
    • Interpretation of the service terms.
    • Interpretation or application of any tariffs set by the Authority.
    • Handling of the customer’s confidential information.
    • Any breach of confidentiality or privacy conditions in Vodafone’s license.
    • Any other matters under the jurisdiction of the Authority.
  • Vodafone’s fair usage policy may apply to certain plans and services as detailed in the specific terms and
  • If your account is terminated or you failure to renew your plan during the quarantine period:
    • You will lose your number, without prejudice to Vodafone’s right to take any necessary actions for damage recovery, as per this Agreement or applicable laws.
    • If you request service reconnection after the holding period has ended, your request will be treated as a new application.
  • Priority will be given to you in reassigning the same number, provided it has not been assigned to another customer or is not part of the premium numbers allocated through auction.
  • Without prejudice to the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law and its executive regulations, Vodafone or its authorized agents for selling prepaid services have the right to obtain your personal information for the purpose of providing the service and issuing bills in accordance with the privacy policy approved by the Vodafone is committed to obtaining your consent for any use beyond what is stated. For more details on how Vodafone processes and stores your personal data, please read our Privacy Notice.
  • All telecommunications numbers are public property, and the Authority is responsible for determining, assigning, reassigning, reserving, modifying, and retrieving them at its Accordingly, the phone number assigned to you by Vodafone does not belong to you. The number may be changed or withdrawn at any time after notifying you, in accordance with the regulatory frameworks issued by the Authority in this regard.
  • Vodafone reserves the right—after notifying you—to reassign your number for technical reasons. Vodafone will not be liable for any loss, damage, or costs incurred by you as a When reassigning or redistributing numbers, Vodafone is required to follow the instructions issued by the Authority.
  • If you do not accept the reassignment of your number, you have the right to:
    • Terminate the service, with the obligation to pay all outstanding amounts up until the termination
    • File a complaint with the Authority.
  • If you transfer to another operator, you have the right to retain your current number, in accordance with the regulatory frameworks issued by the Authority.
  • You can contact Vodafone through the following channels:
    • Chat with us on the Vodafone app
    • Call us on1717
  • Vodafone is not liable to you for fulfilling any of its obligations or providing its services if this is due to force majeure.
  • Without prejudice to the provisions of the law and Vodafone’s obligations under the decisions and licenses issued by the Authority, Vodafone acknowledges that it will not be liable to the customer, under any circumstances, for consequential, indirect, or special damages, or loss of profits. Vodafone assumes no further responsibility towards the customer, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct by Vodafone, its officers, or employees.
  • Vodafone is also exempt from the responsibility of ensuring network functionality on mobile devices with incorrect, counterfeit, or duplicated International Mobile Equipment Identifier (IMEI) numbers.
  • All terms of service are subject to the provisions of the Telecommunications Regulatory Act issued under Royal Decree No. 30/2002 and its amendments, as well as all other applicable laws in the Sultanate of Oman.
  • All content provided through Vodafone’s services is protected by copyright, and you are not permitted to distribute or supply it to others without obtaining written permission from the copyright owner.
  • You are not granted any rights to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, or any other rights related to the services. Vodafone reserves all rights not expressly granted in writing.
  • Vodafone may subcontract or assign any of its obligations under this Agreement to another party, but this does not relieve Vodafone of any responsibility for fulfilling its obligations.

Pay As You Go & Plans

Valid from: 1 March 2022



Subscribing to any of our Pay Monthly and Pay As You Go services will apply these terms and conditions, in addition to the Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement. Other terms and conditions may also apply.


You may be able to use your mobile services in other countries depending on your subscription. You can click here to view our roaming charges. Roaming Terms apply.

Calling, Data & SMS

  • Calls are rounded up to 60 seconds.
  • Data is rounded to 10kbps.
  • An SMS using Latin characters (e.g., English) has a character limit of 160. An SMS using any non-Latin characters (e.g., Arabic) has a character limit of 70. Going over any maximum character limit may deliver your message in multiple SMS’, and you will be charged for each.
  • Plans with SMS and/or minutes are exclusive of SMS short codes and premium. 


We will not be responsible for any:

  • loss you suffer because of the loss, theft, damage to, or unauthorised use of your mobile device or SIM card.
  • harm you suffer from a virus or other manipulating programme which infiltrates your mobile device, whether it was transmitted via the mobile services or otherwise.

You acknowledge that we are unable to exercise control over, and make no representations or warranties concerning, the security or content of information passing over our network, any systems operated by third parties and the internet.

Valid from: 13 June 2024

  • Available only to non-residents and non-citizens of the Sultanate of Oman, starting from 13 June 2024 to 12 September 2024.
  • You have 180 days to activate your SIM card, otherwise your SIM card will expire.
  • Your plan will be valid for the period specified in the relevant plan and you can subscribe to it multiple times.
  • After activation, your SIM card will expire if it is not used for more than 60 days from the date of your last activity.
  • You may be able to make international calls to other countries depending on your subscribed plan.
  • After consuming all your included allowances, your data will stop, local and international calls will be charged at these standard rates.
  • Upgrades and downgrades between Visitor plans will take effect immediately, and allowances will not be carried over.
  • The Vodafone Visitor Pass included in the plan is valid for WhatsApp texts and Google Maps usage only and does not include any additional usage (for example: videos, images & external links)
  • The plan is available for use in the Sultanate of Oman only.

Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement, Mobile Terms, Roaming Terms and Vodafone Passes apply.

Valid from: 16 October 2023

These terms apply to: Vodafone RED


  • You will be charged at the time of activation, and your pay monthly plan will be valid for 28 days.
  • Exceeding your mobile data allowance will stop or throttle your speed depending on your pay monthly plan.
  • This plan is for domestic use only, and any other use may be subject to our TYHTA conditions below.
  • You may subscribe to this plan multiple times, priority of consumption will be given to the plan with the shortest validity.
  • Upgrades and downgrades to your bundle will take effect immediately.
  • If you consume your bundle, usage will be charged at these standard rates. This shall also apply to any services that are not included in your bundle.

Take Your Home Tariff Abroad

The following terms apply if your plan offers to Take-Your-Home-Tariff-Abroad (TYHTA):

  • TYHTA* includes mobile data, SMS, making calls within the destination you are visiting, calling back to Oman, and receiving calls, it however does not include international calls based on your bundle. If you do not make calls through an approved network by Vodafone in the TYHTA destination, you will be charged the network operator’s tariff.
  • If you make calls, send SMS or use data that is not included in the TYHTA bundle, then you will be charged at these standard rates.
  • Consumption of your allocated call allowance will result in you being charged these standard rates for the duration of your call and your call will not be disconnected.
  • Roaming usage of your mobile data allowance beyond 1GB per day or of your call allowance for more than 15 minutes per day, may result in your roaming services being disabled temporarily.

*TYHTA: Take Your Home Tariff Abroad countries: Albania, Bahrain, Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Kuwait, Lesotho, Mozambique, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of the Congo, Romania, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, UAE, United Republic of Tanzania, United Kingdom.

Vodafone Passes

The following terms apply to Vodafone passes:

  • Vodafone passes are included in eligible pay monthly plans and are only available for use in Oman.
  • Each pass type is only valid when using the official versions of the apps. Lite versions of apps are not supported.
  • Some apps include additional content that may consume your pay monthly plan’s mobile data such as:
  • Advertisements and advertisement links that are displayed within apps
  • External links and navigations to other websites or apps
  • Maps and location services
  • Video and content hosted from other sites featured that can be played in the app.
  • Video content may be optimised.
  • Vodafone reserves the right to apply its Fair Usage Policy at any time.
  • Vodafone reserves the right to update the Vodafone passes at any time.

Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement, Mobile Terms, and Roaming Terms apply.

Valid from: 01 September 2024

These terms apply to: Vodafone RED Next Gen


  • You will be charged at the time of activation, and your pay monthly plan will be valid for 28 days.
  • Exceeding your mobile data allowance will stop or throttle your speed depending on your pay monthly plan.
  • This plan is for domestic use only, roaming charges shall apply for usage outside of Sultanate of Oman.
  • You may subscribe to this plan multiple times, priority of consumption will be given to the plan with the shortest validity.
  • Upgrades and downgrades to your bundle will take effect immediately.
  • If you consume your bundle, usage will be charged at these standard rates. This shall also apply to any services that are not included in your bundle.
  • Vodafone RED Next Gen subscribers are entitled to one (1) free ISIC student card. Click here for more information.


Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement, Mobile Terms, and Roaming Terms apply.

Valid from: 16 October 2023 

These terms apply to: Vodafone BLACK 


  • Your first bill will be pro-rated to align with the monthly bill cycle (1st of each month), your next bill will be for 1 calendar month. If auto-pay is enabled, amounts will be deducted from your debit/credit card 26 days after your bill is issued.
  • upgrades to your plan will take effect immediately. However, downgrades will take effect at the end of your current billing month. You can only downgrade once per bill cycle.
  • if you exceed your total data allowance, your total data speed will be reduced to 256 kbps to manage usage effectively.
  • This plan is for domestic use only, and any other use may be subject to our TYHTA conditions below.
  • If you consume your voice, SMS, roaming, or international calling allowances as part of your bundle, usage will be charged at these standard rates. This shall also apply to any services that are not included in your bundle.
  • You can carry over unused open data from your bundle to the next billing month. This unused open data can only be rolled over once and must be used during that month. If not used, it will expire without notice and no compensation or refund will be given. During the rollover month, you will first use your regular open data allowance before utilizing the carried-over data.
  • The plan you have selected will impact your credit limit. If you exceed this credit limit, you will not be able to purchase additional products, move to a pay-as-you-go, or switch to another Vodafone plan until your account balance is settled. Furthermore, if you fail to pay your bill on time, we reserve the right to suspend your services until your outstanding balance is settled.
  • Prices are exclusive of five (5%) VAT.


  • Terminating your Vodafone BLACK plan will incur a charge of 5 Rials.
  • Migrating from Vodafone BLACK to a prepay plan will incur a charge of 3 Rials.


These terms apply to benefits that form part of your plan (where applicable):

  • You may be entitled to receive Bonus Data each month for a period of 12 consecutive months, aligned with your bill cycle. This Bonus Data is valid for one bill cycle, expiring at the end of each cycle and renewing at the start of the next cycle. Any unused Bonus Data will not be carried over and will be forfeited at the end of each bill cycle. Consumption of Bonus Data will be prioritised over open data.
  • You may be entitled to receive world roaming data each month for a period of 12 consecutive months, aligned with your bill cycle. World roaming data is valid for one bill cycle, expiring at the end of each cycle and renewing at the start of the next cycle. any unused world roaming data will not be carried over and will be forfeited at the end of each bill cycle.
  • You may be entitled to receive Bonus Minutes for each month for a period of 12 consecutive months, aligned with your bill cycle. These Bonus Minutes are valid for one bill cycle, expiring at the end of each cycle and renewing at the start of the next cycle. any unused Bonus Minutes will not be carried over and will be forfeited at the end of each bill cycle.

Take-Your-Home-Tariff-Abroad (TYHTA)

The following terms apply if your plan offers to Take-Your-Home-Tariff-Abroad (TYHTA):

  • TYHTA* includes Open Data, SMS, making calls within the destination you are visiting, calling back to Oman, and receiving calls, it however does not include international calls based on your bundle. If you do not make calls through an approved network by Vodafone in the TYHTA destination, you will be charged the network operator’s tariff.
  • If you make calls, send SMS or use data that is not included in the TYHTA bundle, then you will be charged at these standard rates.
  • Consumption of your allocated call allowance will result in you being charged thesestandard rates for the duration of your call and your call will not be disconnected.
  • Roaming usage of your Open Data allowance beyond 1GB per day or of your call allowance for more than15 minutes per day may result in your roaming services being disabled temporarily.

 *TYHTA countries: Albania, Bahrain, Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Kuwait, Lesotho, Mozambique, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of the Congo, Romania, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, UAE, United Republic of Tanzania, United Kingdom.

Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement, Mobile Terms, and Roaming Terms apply.

Valid from: 1st September 2024

These terms apply to: Vodafone BLACK Future



  • Your first bill will be pro-rated to align with the monthly bill cycle (1st of each month), your next bill will be for 1 calendar month. It is a requirement to have a saved debit/credit card .If auto-pay is enabled, amounts will be deducted from your debit/credit card 26 days after your bill is issued.
  • Upgrades to your plan will take effect immediately. However, downgrades will take effect at the end of your current billing month. You can only downgrade once per bill cycle.
  • if you exceed your total data allowance, your total data speed will be reduced to 256 kbps to manage usage effectively.
  • This plan is for domestic use only, roaming charges shall apply for usage outside of Sultanate of Oman.
  • If you consume your voice, SMS, roaming, or international calling allowances as part of your bundle, usage will be charged at these standard rates. This shall also apply to any services that are not included in your bundle.
  • You can carry over unused open data from your bundle to the next billing month. This unused open data can only be rolled over once and must be used during that month. If not used, it will expire without notice and no compensation or refund will be given. During the rollover month, you will first use your regular open data allowance before utilizing the carried-over data.
  • The plan you have selected will impact your credit limit. If you exceed this credit limit, you will not be able to purchase additional products, move to a pay-as-you-go, or switch to another Vodafone plan until your account balance is settled. Furthermore, if you fail to pay your bill on time, we reserve the right to suspend your services until your outstanding balance is settled.
  • Prices are exclusive of five (5%) VAT.
  • Vodafone Black Future subscribers are entitled to one (1) free ISIC student card. Click here for more information.

Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement, Mobile Terms, and Roaming Terms apply.  


The Vodafone Black for Business Terms and Conditions apply to Vodafone Black mobile services provided by Vodafone to business customers (the “Service”). Defined terms shall have the meaning given to them in Vodafone’s Standard Customer Agreement for Business unless otherwise defined below.

  • The Business must submit to Vodafone a verified and up to date list of its employees, and the employee’s start and end dates of employment in case of definite employment contracts.
  • The Business’s employees are allowed a maximum of two (2) business lines for each employee during their term of employment at the Business, as such the Business shall notify Vodafone if an employee is no longer employed by the Business.
  • The Business shall pay for the minimum number of lines specified in the applicable Order for the Term (the “Minimum Commitment”) within the Payment Period.
  • The Business’s first bill will be pro-rated to align with the monthly bill cycle (1st of each month), the Business’s next bill will be for 1 calendar month. If autopay is enabled, amounts will be deducted from the Business’s debit/credit card 26 days after the bill is issued.
  • The Business may upgrade, downgrade or add additional lines to its account during the Term. Upgrades incur immediate price adjustments, while downgrades apply at the next billing months’ start. The price is exclusive of value added tax (VAT) at the applicable rate.
  • The Service shall automatically renew for a period equal to the initial term specified in the applicable Order (the “Term”), unless the Business provides Vodafone with written notice of its intent not to renew at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the end of the current Term.
  • The Business may terminate the Service at any time prior to expiry of the Term , subject to the payment of an early termination fee.
  • Vodafone may terminate the Service in accordance with Vodafone’s Standard Customer Agreement for Business, and if the Business fails to maintain the Minimum Commitment.


  • If the total data allowance has been exceeded, the total data speed will be reduced to 256 kbps to manage usage effectively.
  • This plan is for domestic use only, and any other use may be subject to our TYHTA conditions below.
  • If the voice, SMS, roaming, or international calling allowances as part of this bundle have been consumed, usage will be charged at these standard rates. This shall also apply to any services that are not included in this bundle.
  • Unused open data from this bundle may be carried over to the next billing month. This unused open data can only be rolled over once and must be used during that month. If not used, it will expire without notice and no compensation or refund will be given. During the rollover month, the priority of use will be the bundle regular open data allowance before utilizing the carried-over data.
  • Employees may self-purchase add-ons through My Vodafone App.



These terms apply to benefits that form part of the Business plan (where applicable):

  • The Business may be entitled to receive Bonus Data each month for a period of 12 consecutive months, aligned with the Business bill cycle. This Bonus Data is valid for one bill cycle, expiring at the end of each cycle and renewing at the start of the next cycle. Any unused Bonus Data will not be carried over and will be forfeited at the end of each bill cycle. Consumption of Bonus Data will be prioritised over open data.
  • The Business may be entitled to receive world roaming data each month for a period of 12 consecutive months, aligned with the business bill cycle. World roaming data is valid for one bill cycle, expiring at the end of each cycle and renewing at the start of the next cycle. any unused world roaming data will not be carried over and will be forfeited at the end of each bill cycle.
  • The Business may be entitled to receive Bonus Minutes for each month for a period of 12 consecutive months, aligned with the business bill cycle. These Bonus Minutes are valid for one bill cycle, expiring at the end of each cycle and renewing at the start of the next cycle. any unused Bonus Minutes will not be carried over and will be forfeited at the end of each bill cycle.

Take-Your-Home-Tariff-Abroad (TYHTA)

The following terms apply if a plan offers to Take-Your-Home-Tariff-Abroad (TYHTA):

  • TYHTA* includes Open Data, SMS, making calls within the destination you are visiting, calling back to Oman, and receiving calls, it however does not include international calls based on your bundle. If you do not make calls through an approved network by Vodafone in the TYHTA destination, you will be charged the network operator’s tariff.
  • If you make calls, send SMS or use data that is not included in the TYHTA bundle, then you will be charged at these standard rates.
  • Consumption of your allocated call allowance will result in you being charged these standard ratesfor the duration of your call and your call will not be disconnected.
  • Roaming usage of your Open Data allowance beyond 1GB per day or of your call allowance for more than15 minutes per day may result in your roaming services being disabled temporarily.

Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement, Mobile Terms, Roaming Terms and Vodafone BLACK Add-ons apply.

  • Vodafone is valid for 7 days from the date of your subscription and is only valid in the Sultanate of Oman.  
  • After consuming all your included allowances, your data will stop and your calls will be charged at these standard rates.  
  • Vodafone Start renews automatically for the same period. 

Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement and Mobile Terms apply.  

Valid from: 01 November 2023  

  • Available only to non-residents and non-citizens of the Sultanate of Oman.
  • You have 180 days to activate your SIM card, otherwise your SIM card will expire.  
  • Your plan will be valid for the period specified in the relevant plan and you can subscribe to it multiple times.  
  • After activation, your SIM card will expire if it is not used for more than 60 days from the date of your last activity.  
  • You may be able to make international calls to other countries depending on your subscribed plan.  
  • After consuming all your included allowances, your data will stop, local and international calls will be charged at these standard rates.   
  • Upgrades and downgrades between Visitor plans will take effect immediately, and allowances will not be carried over.   
  • The plan is available for use in the Sultanate of Oman only.  


Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement and Mobile Terms apply.   

Valid from: 1 March 2022

  • All calls, SMS, and data will be charged at out of bundle rates and will be deducted from your credit allowance.
  • You can view our Pay As You Go rates here.

Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement and Mobile Terms apply.

Roaming & Add-Ons

Valid from: 13 June 2024

  • Available from 13 June 2024 to 12 September 2024 for Vodafone RED Prepaid Plans (Advance, Premium, Explore) and Vodafone BLACK Postpaid Plan (Explore only, valid for the period stated in the add-on.
  • Valid for the period specified in the relevant add-on; starting from the moment you purchase it, and will expire at the end of the period specified in the relevant add-on.
  • If you subscribe to a voice add-on, it will be consumed before the minutes from your plan.
  • You can subscribe to a voice add-on multiple times.
  • Voice add-on applies to local fixed and mobile lines only.

Valid from: 10 June 2023 


  • Valid for the period specified in the relevant add-on; starting from your date and time of subscription. 
  • Any unused add-on allowances will expire at the end of the period specified in the relevant add-on. 
  • Moving between Vodafone BLACK plans will not cancel any existing add-ons, however moving from Vodafone BLACK to a prepay product will cancel any Vodafone BLACK add-on.
  • You can subscribe to the same or different add-on multiple times, subject to your credit limit. If you subscribe to the same add-on multiple times, the allowance from the add-on with the shortest validity will be consumed first.
  • You will receive notifications when you have consumed 80% and 100% of your add-on allowance.
  • All prices are exclusive of VAT, VAT will be charged on top of the Mentioned Prices. 


National Data 

  • National data add-ons are only available for use in the Sultanate of Oman.
  • If you subscribe to a national data add-on, the sequence for the consumption of your data will be as follows: 1) data from your add-on 2) Bonus Data (if any) 3) bundle data 4) rolled over data   

National Voice  

  • National voice add-ons are only available for the use in the Sultanate of Oman
  • If you subscribe to a national voice add-on, the sequence of consumption of your minutes will be as follows: 1) minutes from your add-on 2) Bonus Minutes (if any) 3) bundle minutes 

International Voice 

  • International voice add-ons only apply to calls from the Sultanate of Oman to countries in the specified zone(s).
  • If you subscribe to an international voice add-on, the sequence of consumption of your international minutes will be as follows: 1) international minutes from your add-on 2) bundle international minutes  


  • Roaming includes mobile data, SMS and calls within the destination you are visiting, calling back to Oman and receiving calls, it however does not include international calls while roaming.
  • You agree that we will not be responsible for the way in which any external carrier provides or fails to provide any service (including disconnection, lack of coverage or the performance of that carrier’s network).
  • Roaming services do not include maritime, satellite or OnAir roaming. 

Valid from: 1 March 2022

  • Valid for the period specified in the relevant add-on; starting from the moment you first use it, and any remaining unused mobile data will expire at the end of the period specified in the relevant add-on.
  • Moving between a plan and Vodafone Pay As You Go will not cancel any existing mobile data add-on.
  • If you subscribe to a mobile data add-on, it will be consumed before the data from your plan.
  • You can subscribe to a mobile data add-on multiple times.
  • Mobile data add-on applies to local data only.

Valid from: 1 March 2022

  • Valid for the period specified in the relevant add-on; starting from the moment you first use it, and any remaining unused minutes will expire at the end of the period specified in the relevant add-on.
  • Moving between a plan and Vodafone Pay As You Go will not cancel any existing voice add-on.
  • If you subscribe to a voice add-on, it will be consumed before the minutes from your plan.
  • You can subscribe to a voice add-on multiple times.
  • Voice add-on applies to local fixed and mobile lines only.

Valid from 27 April 2022

  • Valid for the period specified in the relevant add-on; starting from the moment you first use it, and any remain used international calling minutes will expire at the end of the period specified in the relevant add-on. 
  • Moving between plans will not cancel any existing international calling add-on. 
  • Priority of consumption will be from the plan or international calling add-on with the shortest validity.  
  • You can subscribe to an international calling add-on multiple times. 
  • International calling add-on applies to calls from the Sultanate of Oman to countries in the applicable zone(s) only.  
  • International calls made after consuming an international calling add-on will be charged at our standard rates 

Valid from: 1 March 2022


These terms apply the moment you subscribe to any of our roaming services.

Roaming Add-Ons: GCC, Selected Vodafone Destinations and Worldwide

  • Valid for the period specified in the relevant add-on; starting from the moment you first use it.
  • Roaming includes making calls within the destination you are visiting, calling back to Oman and receiving calls, it however does not include international calls.
  • Unused mobile data, calls and SMS will expire at the end of the validity period.
  • You will automatically be charged at these standard rates if you fully consume any of your allowances under these add-ons.
  • Consumption of your allocated call allowance will result in you being charged these standard rates for the duration of your call and your call will not be disconnected.
  • Destinations not included in the add-on will be charged at these standard rates.


Roaming Charges

If you are not subscribed to a roaming add-on, our standard rates will apply.


You agree that we will not be responsible for the way in which any external carrier provides or fails to provide any service (including disconnection, lack of coverage or the performance of that carrier’s network).

*Roaming services do not include maritime, satellite or OnAir roaming.


Valid from: 8 December 2024 

Available from 8 December 2024 to 28 February 2025 to all Vodafone Red and Vodafone Black subscribers excluding Vodafone Start and Vodafone Start Plus.  

  1. The following categories are eligible to receive this promotion once at no charge:  
    1. New Subscribers to Vodafone RED (Advance, Premium, Explore, Elite, and Pioneer) and Vodafone BLACK Postpaid Plans (Explore, Elite, Pioneer, and Prime). 
    2. Existing Subscribers upgrading from Vodafone RED (Premium, Explore, Elite, and Pioneer) or Vodafone BLACK Plans (Explore, Elite, Pioneer). 
    3. Vodafone Red subscribers migrating to Vodafone Black.  
  2. This promotion is available for use in the Sultanate of Oman only, and does not include data roll-over.  
  3. This promotion is only valid for 7 days from the date of purchase. 
  4. The priority of data usage will be as follows: data from this promotion, add-ons, then from your open mobile data.

Raffle Draw Terms & Conditions 

  • These terms apply to Vodafone’s ‘Winter Promotion’ raffle draw(s) set to take place monthly starting from 2 January 2025 until 2 March 2025. 
  • To be entered into a raffle draw, you have to avail the winter promotion.  
  • Prizes are non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or other products or services. Prizes for each ‘Winter Promotion’ raffle draw will be announced on Vodafone’s social media accounts.   
  • Each winner will be notified via phone and/or email within 72 hours of a draw. The winner must respond within 30 days to claim the prize, otherwise it will be forfeited. You can only win one prize per Vodafone account.  
  • Winners must verify their identity and age by submitting a copy of their passport, driving license, or national ID.  
  • Vodafone reserves the right to cancel, modify or suspend a raffle draw at any time without prior notice.  
  • Employees, agents, or anyone affiliated with Vodafone or execution of the promotion, including Vodafone staff, are not eligible to participate. 


Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement  and Mobile Terms apply.  

Valid from: 1 November 2024 

  • Available from 1 November 2024 to 30 November 2024 for RED Advance, Premium, Explore, Elite, Pioneer; and BLACK Explore, Elite, Pioneer, and Prime only; and valid until 30 November 2024 at 11:59pm.
  • This offer can only be availed once during the promotion period. 
  • Data is available for use in the Sultanate of Oman only and valid for the period specified in the plan. 
  • Bonus data from this promotion will be consumed before mobile data from the existing base plan. 

Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement  and Mobile Terms apply.  

Valid from: 09 April 2024 to 28 April 2024

    • This promotion is available to all RED prepaid customers.
    • Additional credit is available when recharging 5, 10, 20, or 50 OMR only.
    • Additional credit is only available for use in the Sultanate of Oman.

Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement  and Mobile Terms apply.  

  • Valid from: 13 June 2024Available from 13 June 2024 to 12 September 2024 for Vodafone RED Prepaid Plans (Advance, Premium, Explore, Elite, and Pioneer) and Vodafone BLACK Postpaid Plans (Explore, Elite, Pioneer, and Prime), valid for the period stated in the feature.
  • Existing Vodafone RED Prepaid Plans (Advance, Premium, Explore, Elite and Pioneer), and Vodafone BLACK Postpaid Plans (Explore, Elite, and Pioneer) can purchase this feature multiple times.
  • New Vodafone RED Prepaid Plans (Elite and Pioneer) and New Vodafone BLACK Postpaid Plans (Elite and Pioneer) subscribers will receive this feature once at no charge and will have to repurchase the feature upon expiry or consumption.
  • Existing customers, new customers and upgrades to Vodafone BLACK Prime Plan will get the boosted data feature free of charge once during every bill cycle throughout the promotion period.
  • “Boost Your Data” feature is available for use in the Sultanate of Oman only, and does not include data roll-over.
  • The priority of data usage for Vodafone RED/BLACK customers will be from Social/Entertainment Pass, then the boosted data from this promotion, add-ons and lastly from your open mobile data.

Valid from: 16 November 2023

  • Available from 16 November 2023 to 28 November 2023 for RED Advance, Premium, Explore, Elite, Pioneer; and BLACK Explore, Elite, Pioneer, and Prime only; and valid for the period stated in the specific plan. Customers downgrading to any of the previous plans will not be entitled to avail this Promotion.
  • This offer can only be availed once during the promotion period (excluding RED Advance & RED Premium).
  • Data is available for use in the Sultanate of Oman only and valid for the period specified in the plan.
  • Bonus data from this promotion will be consumed before mobile data from the existing base plan.

Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement  and Mobile Terms apply.  

Valid from: 13th March 2023 

  • Only new Vodafone customers who are subscribed to Vodafone RED & BLACK Plans using an iPhone from 13th March 2023 onwards are entitled to receive 5GB extra data for their first six (6) renewal cycles.  
  • Extra data can only be used in the Sultanate of Oman and cannot be carried over subsequent renewal cycles.  
  • Extra data is valid for 28 days only.  

This offer is till 25th September 2023

Vodafone Standard Customer Agreement  and Mobile Terms apply.  

Bring Your Number

Before bringing your number to Vodafone Network, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

  1. Bringing your number is subject to completing the porting process requirement, our approval, and the approval of your existing service provider.
  2. If you’re a post-pay customer, you will remain liable for any outstanding amount with your existing service provider, and we may suspend any of our services to you if such amounts are not settled.
  3. Any existing credit or services will not be transferred from your current service provider to us.
  4. You will indemnify us and be liable for any of our losses relating to your violation of these terms and any applicable laws and regulation relating to mobile number portability.
  5. We may stop the porting process if any information provided by you to us is found to be misleading, inaccurate, fraudulent, or untrue.
  6. We are not liable for any loss or damage relating to or arising from bringing your number to us.
  7. Once the switching process is complete, you shall comply with all the terms that apply to any of our products and/or services.

As the owner of the account (or as a duly authorised representative), you (i) agree to the above; and (ii) expressly authorise the listed phone number to be ported to us.

My Vodafone App

These My Vodafone App terms of use (“terms of use”) apply to and come into effect upon installing the My Vodafone Application (the “app”) on your device and operate in addition to any other terms and conditions that may apply to a particular product or service, or installing the app.

By using the app, you agree to these terms of use; if you do not agree; kindly stop using this app. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion to modify or add to these terms of use, at any time.

  • We grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the app for personal and non-commercial use only.
  • The app and its materials are delivered on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis. You expressly agree that you assume total responsibility for your use of the app. We do not warrant the accuracy of any of the content on the app.
  • We either own or otherwise have the right to use the intellectual property rights with respect to the app (including the content). You acknowledge and accept that we are either the owner, or otherwise have the right to use our intellectual property and that you will not assert any claim or interest in or to our intellectual property.
  • The app may provide links to other websites that are not ours, which you access at your own risk. We are not responsible for those sites or the accuracy of any of their content and we will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury arising from the contents of those sites.
  • You agree that we may monitor, collect and use and disclose certain information about your use of the app in accordance with our Privacy Notice.
  • While we try to make sure that the app is available for your use, we do not promise that the app will be available at all times or that your use of the app will be uninterrupted. We may suspend or terminate the app at any time.
  • To the greatest extent allowed under law, we are not responsible for any direct, indirect, or consequential losses arising out of or in connection to your use of the app.
  • These terms of use are governed in accordance with the laws of the Sultanate of Oman. If you are unhappy with the app, please contact Customer Care.

Steps Further

Valid from: 12 March 2024

  • You may collect points up to 20,000 steps a day based on achieving the below milestones (see the table below)*;
Total Points Bonus Points Points Daily footsteps
5,500 points 500 points 5,000 points 5,000 steps
11,500 points 1,000 points 10,000 points 10,000 steps
18,500 points 2,000 points 15,000 points 15,000 steps
26,500 points 3,000 points 20,000 points 20,000 steps
  • Points will be calculated on a daily basis, starting from 12:00 am until 11:59 pm.
  • You may achieve one of the following badges with bonus points once only upon achieving 10,000 consistently for X days in a row (see the table below)**;
Badges Days in a row Bonus Points – One time Total Points in 29 days
Bronze 3 days in a row 25,000 points 25,000 points
Silver 5 days in a row 50,000 points 75,000 points
Gold 10 days in a row 100,000 points 175,000 points
Diamond 20 days in a row 200,000 points 375,000 points
  • You will be rewarded with 2000 extra points for each podcast you listen to and 1000 points if you share it.
  • You can also reward 5,000 weekly extra points if you participate in one of Vodafone predefined weekly Route/Even by scanning the QR code at the start of the Route/Even Entrance and scanning the QR code at the end of the Route/ Event Exit.
  • You may organize or participate in a weekly group challenge of up to 10 participants (including you). The participants with the highest steps will get as follows; the 1st 100,000 bonus points, the 2nd 50,000 bonus points, and the 3rd 25,000 bonus points. The organizer sets the minimum steps starting from 5,000 steps, or10,000 steps, or 15,000 steps or 20,000 steps, and each participant must meet the minimum steps to be entitled for bonus points.
  • You may win a weekly valuable prize if you achieve the top contributor by the end of each week’s initiative.
  • On 15th of Ramadhan, you may enter into the Super Challenge as a group of up to 10 participant (including the organizer) and multiply your earned points during the day if you reach (30,000 group steps*2), (60,000 group steps*3), (90,000 group steps*4) and (120,000 group steps*5). The winner group will get to decide to which initiative the collected points by all groups will be allocated.
  • Vodafone commits to donate all monetary value collected through this campaign to Al-Rahma Association.
  • Vodafone reserves the right to modify these terms at any time without prior notice.
  • This campaign shall run for 29 days starting from the date of validity above.

*Applicable to iOS and Android customers only.


These website terms of use (“terms of use”) apply to and come into effect upon visiting  (the “site”) and operate in addition to any other terms and conditions that may apply to a particular product or service.

By using the site, you agree to these terms of use; if you do not agree, kindly stop using the site. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion to modify or add to these terms of use, at any time.

General Terms

  • You will only use the site and its contents to learn about us and our products and services.
  • The site and its materials are delivered on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis. You expressly agree that you assume total responsibility for your use of the site.

We either own or otherwise have the right to use the intellectual property rights with respect to the site (including its content). You acknowledge and accept that we are either the owner, or otherwise have the right to use our intellectual property and that you will not assert any claim or interest in or to our intellectual property.

The site may provide links to other websites that are not ours, which you access at your own risk. We are not responsible for those websites or the accuracy of any of their content and we will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury arising from the contents or your use of those websites.

You agree that we may monitor, collect and use and disclose certain information about your use of the site in accordance with our Privacy Notice.

Any content is provided for information purposes only and to inform you about us and our products and news, features, services and other websites that may be of interest to you. We do not warrant the accuracy of any of the content on the site.

While we try to make sure that the site is available for your use, we do not promise that the site will be available at all times or that your use of the site will be uninterrupted. We may suspend or terminate the site at any time.

To the greatest extent allowed under law, we are not responsible for any direct, indirect, or consequential losses arising out of or in connection with your use of the site.

These terms of use are governed in accordance with the laws of the Sultanate of Oman. If you are unhappy with the site, please contact Customer Care.


These eShop terms and conditions (“terms”) apply to and come into effect upon visiting Vodafone’s eShop at (“eShop”) and operate in addition to any other terms and conditions that apply to a particular product or service, including the Website Terms of Use.  

By using the eShop, you agree to these terms; if you do not agree, kindly stop using the eShop. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion to modify or add to these terms, at any time. 

  1. To purchase a device via the eShop you must meet the following requirements: (a) be at least 18 years of age; (b) maintain an active subscription to a Vodafone BLACK Plan; and (c) satisfy Vodafone’s credit requirements.
  2. You may only purchase a device using a debit or credit card. Vodafone does not provide any guarantee for product availability. The number of devices you may purchase in full or by instalment may be limited, at Vodafone’s discretion. Your device will be delivered to you by courier.
  3. You may be offered the option to pay in instalments, the following terms shall apply:
    1. 12 Month Scheme:  you will pay for the device in thirteen (13) monthly instalments, the first instalment will be at the time of purchase and shall include the full VAT amount after which, the instalments will be on the first of each month divided into twelve (12) monthly equal instalments exclusive of VAT. 
    2. 24 Month Scheme: You will pay for the device in twenty-five (25) monthly instalments, the first instalment will be at the time of purchase and shall include the full VAT amount after which, the instalments will be on the first of each month divided into twenty four (24) monthly equal instalments exclusive of VAT. 
  4. By purchasing in installments, you consent to increasing your oval credit limit by your monthly installment.
  5. The instalments fee for the device you have purchased will be reflected in your monthly bill.
  6. If you choose to discontinue your Vodafone BLACK plan, stop renewing it, migrate from a Vodafone BLACK plan to a Vodafone RED plan or choose to port out to another operator, you will have to settle all amounts due to Vodafone before discontinuing, migrating or porting out.
  7. If you choose to continue the Vodafone Black plan, the duration of such plan will remain until its expiry even if the devices’ instalments are paid in full. 
  8. You may return or replace a device (subject to availability) at the Vodafone store where the device was originally purchased within a period of fourteen (14) days from the date of purchase, provided that the original receipt is present, and the device is in its original sealed condition, unused, and accompanied by all the original packaging and accessories.
  9. If you choose to replace your device, you will be responsible for any price difference, which will be payable to Vodafone.
  10. If the device fails to operate in accordance with the specifications of the device or if there are any defects in the device, you should go to the authorised service centre for repair or replacement as applicable in accordance with the manufacturer’s warranty.  

Makani Internet

  • The Services are available only for use within the Sultanate of Oman and require a device and unique SIM card. They are for individuals aged 18 and over. Customers may subscribe to a maximum of two lines for the Services.
  • The Services are available only on the Vodafone network and in specific 5G coverage areas. For more information about 5G coverage in your area, please contact Care via 1717
  • You must activate the device for the first time at your intended location of use. The device will lock onto the nearest network tower. Relocation is not allowed unless processed via the My Vodafone App, following the relocation steps and subject to payment of the applicable relocation fee.
  • You will not be charged for the device; however, there will be a SIM activation fee of one (1) Omani Rials. Once activated, the SIM will be locked to the device and may not be used with other devices. If a new SIM card is needed, a SIM replacement fee of one (1) Omani Rials will apply.
  • If you move to a new address, you will be required to pay a relocation fee of two (2) Omani Rials provided that the new address falls within Vodafone’s coverage area.
  • If your device is facing a software issue, Vodafone will first assess the device and may replace it for free. If you damage or otherwise seek to replace a device, you will be required to pay a device replacement fee of fifty-six (56) Omani Rials.
  • If you exceed 1 terabyte of data within your monthly bill cycle, your data speed will be reduced to 512 kbps to manage usage. Plan upgrades will take effect immediately, while downgrades will be effective at the end of your current billing cycle and are subject to early termination charges. You are permitted one downgrade per billing cycle.
  • Download and upload speeds are affected by network conditions and availability within the coverage area, with no guarantees on specific speeds.
  • The Services you have selected will impact your credit limit set at three (3) times the price of your monthly base plan. If you exceed this credit limit, you will not be able to purchase additional products, move to a pay-as-you-go, or switch to another Vodafone plan until your account balance is settled. Furthermore, if you fail to pay your bill on time, we reserve the right to suspend your Services until your outstanding balance is settled.
  • Prices are exclusive of value-added tax (5% VAT).
  • The Services are provided to you for personal, non-commercial use only. You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Services solely for your own personal purposes. You are strictly prohibited from reselling, sublicensing, distributing, or otherwise making the Services available to any third party for commercial gain or any other purposes.
  • These plans will be available from ( 2nd Feb 2025 ) to ( 3rd May 2025 ). If you upgrade, downgrade, or opt out of the selected Service after ( 3rd May 2025 ) , you will no longer be eligible for the associated rates and benefits.


  • Allocated numbers by TRA are state public property.
  • The winner cannot request to return the number for a refund once the number is allocated and its value has been paid,
  • The TRA determines the starting bidding amounts for Diamond and Golden numbers and the auction shall be awarded to the bidder of the highest bid.
  • Registration for the auction shall be made by a mobile telephone number registered with a mobile licensee in Oman after fee payment of RO 10.
  •  For verification purposes, One-Time Password (OTP) authentication will be sent via WhatsApp to the registered mobile number.
  • The company shall not be held responsible for any delays, failures, or issues related to the receipt of the OTP due to network problems, incorrect contact details, WhatsApp service disruptions, or any other unforeseen circumstances.
  • You can participate in the auction during the bidding period only once you have completed the registration.
  • Registration period for the action shall be within twenty four (24) hours prior to the start of the auction.
  • The auction will continue for six (6) hours.
  • You must pay the value of the number within two (2) working days, from the date of notification sent.
  • If the auction winner fails to pay the amount due, the second highest bid will be chosen in accordance with the provisions of the Telecom Act and Decision No. 1152/2/3/2022-4 provided that the bid’s value is not less than 75% of the highest bid’s value, otherwise the bid will be deemed cancelled.
  • If the TRA finds that the person registered for this auction has not completed payment procedures for the awarded numbers in the past, the TRA reserves the right to disable the account registered for the same user for this auction.
  • If you attempt to manipulate or tamper with the auction in any way, you will be subject to legal accountability.